
Maps of North Oregon Cemetery in Oregon, Lucas County, Ohio, USA.

On the Oregon main screen, tag "Burial Records Searh" to go to the burials search screen to find a burial plot, the section, lot and grave numbers are written in a shorthand text format - e.g. "A-12-2" text means "section A, lot 12, grave 2".
[Please note that the records on the Oregon City cemetery search start at ~1895, so for earlier records see Find-a-Grave, which may have a memorial record from other sources. Also, you can search on the LCCHA Excel list by doing a filter to find a burial. Also note that section "Z" means "unknown burial location", so the plot was not recorded for that record. There are many names as "unknown" in the Oregon City search, and these are know to be occupied gravesites from the lot cards, so probably family members. Research is ongoing to find names for these graves.]

If anyone finds an error in any of these maps, please send an Email to: president@lccemetery.org, or visit our website.

Overview Map of North Oregon Cemetery, showing all sections

Maps to purchased family lots

Section A [note: lots missing = 19-34, 70-84, 121-139, 172-192, 222-244, 273-292, 319-338, 365-384, 388, 420-435, & 470-483]
Section B
Section C
Section D
Section E
Section F
Section G
Section H currently has no burials (future map)
Section G.A.R. (aka section Ford)

Maps to Single Graves

Section Single - Adult - East part--- West part
Section Single - Infants - East part--- West part [Note: Infants are in the rows shaded grey]
Section Single - Adult II - North part--- South part


©Copyright of the LCCHA, These maps are free for non-commercial copying, created 26My2022, revised 15May2024 [ - G. Franks, SJ Mohr and DC Weber -] http://www.lccha.org